For the new TenneT high-voltage pylons, two employees of Cocoon were trained for Rope Access. This because the electricity pockets had to be sealed, in order to protect them against weather influences and to extend their service life. Normally, we always work with both feet on the ground. Cocooning a high-voltage pylon at a height of 23 meters is certainly something else.
Along the A9 from Beverwijk to Vijfhuizen, the high voltage pylons are located in an area that is difficult to reach. The pylons are situated in woods and meadows. With their 45 meters altitude in total, we could not simply put a scaffold or a platform against the pylons. Therefore, accessibility was a major problem.
Rope Access
We always think along with our clients. In our opinion, there is always a suitable solution for every problem. That’s why we sent two enthusiastic employees to Rope Access training. They learned the right procedures to secure themselves. Even in the event of a calamity, they now know how to act.
The slightest wind breeze
Then came the challenge to deliver perfect work at 23 meters height. This is exactly the altitude of the critical place that needed to be sealed perfectly. With both feet off the ground, even the slightest wind blows you back and forth. To monitor security, TenneT set up a security team that assessed whether or not to climb. In the event of wind or rain, the work had to be stopped. Fortunately, we were on schedule. The high-voltage pylons were foreseen with cocoon.
Well preserved
Cocoon is ideal for high-voltage pylons, because it has a perfect sealing effect and moves flexibly with the mast. The poles may look robust, they still respond to the slightest wind breeze. That’s why the film is flexible now and for many years to come. As a result, the high voltage pylons are well preserved.