For this maintenance project Cocoon utlized a special type of Cocoon in a custom color to paint this characteristic and important tower for the municipality of Almere.

The reason to go for this Cocoon variant was because the highly toxic and chemical substance Chrome-6 was present in the base primer and the top layer which would have to painted over would need to be sanded down in order to achieve adhesion with a regular paint. This would cause a chemical release of the Chrome-6 and major costs to remove it. Fortunately a special Cocoon product called Cocoon H2O was able to offer the solution for this problem. With Cocoon H2O it was possible to achieve proper adhesion without the necessity to sand down the top layer with the danger of releasing the dangerous chemical. A few spots which had been rusted down had to be removed by a special sanitation company. Another advantage of using Cocoon is that it provides an extra sealing property so the Chrome-6 will be safely isolated. The Cocoon could be deliverd in any custom color and so it provided the ideal coating and color finish.