What weather influences can Cocoon withstand?
Cocoon is resistant to weather influences that occur in the offshore, Middle East, Asia (including Singapore, Thailand and Japan) but also in the Netherlands
What is the airtightness of the Cocoon?
Cocoon has a diffusion resistance (μd value) of 14 with a minimum layer thickness of 0.7 mm.
Which materials can the Cocoon be applied to?
Cocoon adheres to almost all building materials with the exception of certain stainless steel types and has less adhesion to PE materials.
What is the warranty period and lifespan of the Cocoon system?
Depending on the area of application, we can issue a warranty period of 3 to 10 years. The lifespan can be up to 25 years, but this can be less under the influence of UV, among other things.
What is the layer thickness of the Cocoon system?
The Cocoon finish is applied with an average layer thickness of at least 0.6 to 1.2 mm.
Which chemicals is the Cocoon system resistant to?
Cocoon is resistant to chemicals where PVC products are also used such as pipes, wells, sockets. Ect. The Cocoon wall & ceiling finishing system can withstand a temporary load of 36% water peroxide.
In which final color can the Cocoon system be applied?
Cocoon can be applied in any Sikkens, RAL and NCN colors, with the exception of the metallic colors.
How elastic is the Cocoon?
Cocoon has an elasticity of 200% and can bridge the normal functioning of the substrate (shed bridging). Stretch zones and expansion possibilities can be created to bridge dilations and transitions of different materials, for example steel on concrete.
How is the Cocoon system applied?
Cocoon is applied by airless spraying technique and nebulized hardly or not. After 30-60cm the Cocoon is almost dry and can therefore be wiped up.
What requirements must the substrate meet?
Cocoon has no leveling effect and the surface must be clean, dry and undamaged for treatment. Depending on the client’s requirements, the surface to be treated must be smoothed by third parties.
How do you control the humidity in a Cocoon system?
After the object has been packed in the airtight Cocoon finish, we will keep the humidity at the desired level by using automatic air dryers.
Can you compare Cocoon with a conventional paint system?
No, there is no type of paint with the properties of Cocoon.

Is your question not listed?

Ask your question directly online or contact us via tel.: +31 (0) 20 68 67 808 or e-mail: info@cocoon.eu

What does Cocoon do?

Revolutionary coating
Seamless result
Very long life
Cost efficiënt
Non-binding brochure

Take advantage of the following benefits

Can withstand temperatures from -35°C – +72°

System is weather resistant. 200% elastic. Airtight. Jointless with a very long lifespan

Very efficient and cost saving solution on the long term

Our product has been tried and tested for over 80 years

A linearly decreasing warranty possible up to 10 years

No limitation in surface to be treated

About Cocoon Holland B.V.

“We are a company located in Hoofddorp, a town nearby the airport, and we also have our dedicated storage facilities in Drachten, the north of The Netherlands where we store spare parts of LNG carriers”.

Alexander van der Zee, owner of Cocoon (since 2002), has established roots in the painting industry. His grandfather had a paint factory where his father also worked in and so became quite familiar with the production and application of paint-related products from a young age.

When the opportunity came to offer cocoon products, he seized that chance to further develop new applications for the technology.

Alexander van der Zee

Owner of Cocoon Holland B.V.