What Cocoon does in general? We conserve and protect capital goods (like airplanes, turbines, tanks, heat exchangers, production lines and parts of oil rigs) and lots of other objects against external influences. Cocoon is a spray-on coating product that is used in many industries, such as hospitals, laboratories, offshore, the petrochemical industry, aviation, real estate and architecture.

Cocoon is a spray, available in all colors of the rainbow. It dries within two minutes after spraying as a tough, seamless skin. Within this ‘cocoon’, humidity stays around 40%. As a result, corrosion and mold do not stand a chance. Rubbers and other used plastics stay intact. Humidity, dust, and other influences are excluded as well.

From wall to equipment

Here are some examples of the applications of Cocoon:

Of course, the list above is much longer. Cocoon is a Dutch product that is used all over the world nowadays. In terms of features, cost efficiency, protective effect and colorfastness, Cocoon has no competition.

Are you curious about the products of Cocoon? Do you want to know more about the company or about the possibilities for your sector? Feel free to contact Alexander van der Zee for more information.